at Sumner Academy

Las Actividades de Más Crédito de Español 8

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Latin American Capitals and Countries

  1. Bring in articles about events happening in Latin America countries and tell the class
    about the article.


  1. Bring in articles on events happening in Spain and tell the class about the article.semper porta

El Supermercado

  1. Go to the grocery store and check out through the Fast Scan (Scan Rápida) lane.
  2. Record the insructions - expression in Spanish that you hear.
  3. Give a translation of each expression.
    You will receive an extra credit point for each phrase listed and translated.

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Say the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish.

Watch a Video in Spanish

  1. Watch a video in the Spanish language and fill out the "Extra Credit for Watching a Spanish Video Form" and turn it in.
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