at Sumner Academy

Los Proyectos de Español 8

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Los Incas

Mapa de Sudamérica

Actividad I: Dibuje un mapa de Sud América. Pinte Ud. la región donde vivían los Incas.

  • Incluir:  Los Andes, El Lago Titicaca, El Océano Pacífico, El Río Amazona, Cuzco, Machu Picchu

Actividad II: Haga un quipu.  Ponga etiqueta a su quipu.

Actividad III: Conteste Ud. las preguntas.

  1. The Incas had no written language.  How did they keep records?  A) Expanded memory & oral traditions    B) Quipu   C)  Both A & B    D) They didn't keep records
  2. Who was Inti and how did he fit into the creation legend?
  3. What is Cuzco?
  4. The Ayu (communal land) was distributed yearly. Crops were divided between ____________, _______________ and _________________.
  5. How was farming done on hillsides?
  6. Ture/False: Land and water were so plentiful that there was no need to use it carefully.
  7. What was used for fertilizer?  A) chemicals   B) bird droppings    C) plants     D) they didn't use fertilizer
  8. True/False: The Incas built bridges of cable to link the empire.
  9. True False: The land was owned by the state.
  10. How were taxes paid?
  11. How were llamas used?  ___________________   ____________________
  12. What crime was punishable by death?
  13. How did the Incas use gold?  Why was it valuable?
  14. Describe the conquest of the Incas:   Inca ruler _____________________,  Spanish conqueror ____________________ How long did it take? _____________   When did it occur? ____________________
  15. Name 2 things the Incas ate or drank ___________________    _______________________
  16. What was the official language of the Incas?
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