- Centroamérica
- Color and label the countries
- Label the capitals
- Label these bodies of water:
- El Océano Pacífico
- El Océano Atlántico
- EL Gulfo de México
- El Gulfo de California
- El Mar Caribe
- El Lago Nicaragua
- El Río Grande
- Label the Panama Canal
- Label the West Indies
- Label these mountains
- Sierra Madre Oriental
- Sierra Madre Occidental
- Quiz on Capitals and Countries of Central America
- Answer questions on the Video
- Sudamérica
- Complete the map on South America including the items
on the attached sheet
- Answer the questions on South America (attached sheet)
- Quiz on capitals and countries of South America
- You are planning a trip to Latin America. You have
weeks for this trip. Decide the following:
- Where are you going? (Name the countries and cities)
- What will you see? (examples: the pyramids outside
Mexico City,
the ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru )
- What will you take with you? (clothing - what kind?,
money -
how much?)
- When do you plan to go? (the time of year may affect
what you
do and take)
- What will you bring back with you?
Buen Viaje!
Page 2
Using the map of South America, do the following:
- Label the Amazon Rain Forest and color green.
- Label the following rivers: Orinoco, Magdalena, La
Paraná, Amazona & tributaries
- Put in the Andes Mountains and color purple.
- Label the following bodies of water and color blue:
Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Lake Titicaca, Lake
- Label the Equator.
- Label the Pampas and color yellow.
- Label the Atacama Desert and color brown.
- Color the countries and label the capitals.
- Answer the following questions about the countries:
- Which country is the largest country?
- Which country is the smallest country?
- What two counties are land-locked?
__________________ &
- Which is the longest river in South America?
- Which two countries produce much tin?
___________________ &
- Which is the richest oil producing country?
- Which two countries produce a great deal of
coffee? ____________________ &
- Which grasslands area of South America, long known for
livestock, has recently begun to grow grains, as
well? __________________
- What countries are crossed by the Equator?
_________________, ___________________
& _________________
- Where are the Pampas?
- From which 3 ethnic heritages have most Latin
Americans come? ________________,
_________________ & ___________________
- Explain the following:
mestizo _________________________________,