at Sumner Academy

Los Proyectos de Español 7

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México y los Aztecas

Mapa de México
Actividad I: La Geografía
    Haga un mapa de México.  Incluya:
  1. Ciudades
    1. Ciudad de México (México D.F.)
    2. Acapulco
    3. Veracruz
    4. Mazatlán
    5. Guadalajara
  2. Penínsulas
    1. Yucatán
    2. Baja California
  3. Agua
    1. Océano Pacífico
    2. Golfo de California
    3. Golfo de México
    4. Río Grande
  4. Montañas
    1. Sierra Madre Oriental
    2. Sierra Madre Occidental
    3. Sierra Madre Sur
  5. Tropic of Cancer
  6. Colorea donde vivian los Aztecas

Actividad II: La Historia

  1. Make a Time Line of important events in Mexican History
  2. Conteste las preguntas sobre los Aztecas:
    1. When did the Aztec Civilization exist?
    2. Write a paragraph describing the founding of the Aztec capital.
    3. Name the Aztec capital.
    4. Give a brief description of the life of the Aztec people before Cortez arrived. Include:
      1. religion
      2. government
      3. education
      4. daily life - food, clothing, housing, etc.
    5. What was the relationship of the Aztecs to the neighboring tribes? Explain how this eventually affected the downfall of the Aztecs.
    6. List 3 achievements of the Aztecs.
    7. What occurred in the encounter with Cortez? Include:
      1. aztec chief's name
      2. dates
      3. number of Spanish involved
      4. factors that motivated the Spanish to conquer the Aztecs
      5. capture of the Chief
      6. la Noche Triste
      7. any other pertinent information
    8. Describe the Aztec Calendar. Include:
      1. size
      2. what it is made of
      3. Nemontemi
      4. briefly explain the Aztec year
  3. (extra credit) Make a drawing of an Aztec god. Include the name and a description.
            or Draw the Aztec Sun Stone
            or Present the Aztec Creation legend

Actividad III. El Video sobre México. Conteste las preguntas.

Actividad IV. La Cultura     Choose A or B

  1. Make something to share with the class which is representative of Mexican culture.
            Examples -
    1. Food - Bring a sample for each member of the class. Be prepared to explain how the food is prepared and when it is eaten.
    2. Clothing - Be prepared to model and explain how the clothing is worn.
    3. Game - Be prepared to explain the game so that several members of the class can demonstrate it.
    4. Art or Music - Explain how it is produced.  Include a brief histoy of its origin.
  2. Read and complete the activity sheets on "the meal".
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